Christianna married a Christel

1-Fredrick Christel

Fredrick Christel was 16 when his parents came from Germany in the 1880s

Beryl Clore Austin-Christel-Peterson

born 2-22-1911..died 8-14-1965 Wash DC
married to
4-10-1928 Fredrick Christel from Germany

1-June Christel married Harvey Wilson Hough Jr from Michigan

Beryl 2nd marriage to Pete Pederson

June Christel married Harvey Wilson Hough Jr from Michigan
met thru friends while fishing.
the Hough's were from Scotland although great grandmother was a Slocum
and had native America blood, either Iroquoi or Delware Indian

1-Judy Hough
2-Joy Hough
3-Janice houg