Elijah married Nancy Allen d/o John Allen in Rutherford County, NC 1811.
He died October 28, 1865 in Shelby, TX.
Wife Nancy died in Marengo, AL, where I think all but two of their children were born.
Elijah and wife Nancy moved to Marengo, AL, then TX.
Benjamin Franklin Morris, one of their sons, died 1889 in TX.
Other children born to Elijah and Nancy Allen Morris included William and Mary, both born in NC;
John W., born in Marengo, AL
followed by Isaac, James, Sarah Lewis "Lelia", and daughter, Louisiana.
William Morris, Sr. was born 19 November 1750 in Pennsylvania,
moved to Western NC as a young man and fought with the NC Militia in the Revolutionary War.
In the early 1830's, he applied for a pension, which was granted.
William Morris, Sr's will was written 5 September 1837 in Burke County and probated in McDowell County the winter of 1849
(McDowell County was carved from Burke and Rutherford Counties in 1842).
He named as Legatees: beloved wife; son Henry Morris;
deceased son William Morris's children;
deceased daughter Polly Morris Bradley's children;
son John Morris, from whom I am descended;
son Elijah Morris, a citizen of Texas;
son Isaac Morris; daughter Kiziah (called Kizz) Morris Parham (wife of Mitchell Parham);
and daughter Nancy Morris Spurling (wife of Hugh Spurling).
I think William Morris, Sr. and sons (Elijah was the only one to leave NC) are buried at Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery in McDowell County (formerly Burke),
one of the oldest cemeteries in the area.
However, the oldest part of the cemetery is marked only with fieldstones and, unfortunately,
I'm told that the early church records were lost, perhaps in a fire.
My great grandfather, John H. Morris, along with his brother,
Isaac Morris and his son Isaac E. Morris and scads of other Morrises are buried there.
Many other Morrises, along with my grandparents, John Harvey and L. Ida Mashburn Morris, are buried in Rutherford County, along with numerous Allens.
I hope this information helps in your search, and would be grateful to have any information from you to assist my continuing search of our common ancestor, William Morris, Sr., whose parents immigrated from Wales as did the Allens. I have not researched those yesteryears, but will do so in the future at the National Archives.