Source : "...Now in conclusion, the family surname of "Phipps,"
also shows up in the old records in that very same Somersetshire, England...
Early English records.
Johannes Phipps appears in a dispos ition of 1292,
then declaring that he was about 60 years old, which means he was born about 1232 A.D.

In an inquisition of that date by Robert, son and heir of t he deceased's warren,
concerning proving his age:
Johannes Phipps, 60 years of age, under oath and questione d about the age of
Robert, soldier, son, and heir of the aforesaid Warini evidently in this year...
And John himself knows this because on the next night after the purification of Alice,
mother of the aforesaid Robert , after the birth of the aforesaid Robert,
in the cur (?) o f Calelton, certain ... etc...

Source:The Phipps Family of Shropshire, England, compiled by Gustave Anjou.
The name does not occur again for another 200 years.
Since we then find it in Cemeley, Somersetshire
(mentioned in its Latin form, in the above inquisition),
it would appear t hat the family continued to own property in that county
and that Johannes Phipps was the progenitor of the name.
However, as this is only conjecture,
we shall have to be satis fied with the middle of the 15th century
as the first indic ation we have of this family's ancestral history
(It is interesting to note that James Phipps,
one of the first Phipps emigrants to the New World,
came from Bristol, Gloucester , which is only a few miles north of Cemeley;
this family became quite prominent in the adjoining county of Wilts.)
In 1493, Johannes Phipps granted his son,
Richard, a messuage—a legal term referring to a dwelling,
including any outbuildings, orchards, courtyards, or gardens — in Cemeley, Somersetshire.
Richard and his wife, Margaret, deeded this property to their grandson,
also named Richard (Thomas and Anne Phipps were his parents) .
The messuage remained in the Phipps family until 8 May 1587,
when the grandson granted it to Humphrey Bowler of Ludlow, Shropshire.
Richard had married his sister, Margaret , on 11 Sept. 1586, in Ludlow
and later, they moved to Tank ersley Parish in Yorkshire.
This accounts for four generations of this family and the a pproximate date, 1450,
that it first appeared. While it first resided in Somersetshire,
it later moved to Tankersley where the children of the younger Richard were baptized.
Tankersley Parish, a township in the West Riding of Yorkshire,
is 4 1/2 miles south of Barnsley. It was well known even then for its rich mineral deposits,
ironworks and collieries; these probably were the attractions that drew so many settlers,
including Richard Phipps, to this little village.
As we can see, the name Phipps is a well established on e in history. . "

"There appears to have been 3 main early Phipps immigrant s to America;
James Phips of Maine, Solomon Phipps of Massachusetts and Joseph Phipps of Pennsylvania.
They all arrive d prior to 1690.
(There were Phipps who also showed up arou nd 1700 in VA and MD - relationship unknown)
The three above for the most part appear unconnected -
although some have tried to say that Solomon was a brother/son of James.
The English ancestry that has been attributed to James,
and most recently has made an appearance in "The New England Knight, Sir William Phips 1651 - 1695 by Emerson Baker
(published May 1998 by Toronto Press, and a very good read)
is interesting as it shows a possible connection among all the families
(Mr. Baker does not discuss Solomon or Joseph' s lines at all -
it is just what I have seen knowing a litt le about the origins of both)

Johannes PHIPPS
Birth: Abt 1465 in Cemely (or Cemeley or Camel ?), Somerset, England
Death: Abt 1525 in Cemely (or Cemeley or Camel ?), Somerset, England
marriage unknown

1- Richard PHIPPS b: Bef 1493 in Cemely (or Cemeley or Camel ?), Somerset, England

Richard Phipps
Birth: Bef 1493 in Cemely (or Cemeley or Camel ?), Somerset, England
Death: in , , England
Marriage Margaret Bowler b: in England

1- Thomas PHIPPS
b: 1510 in Cemely (or Cemeley or Camel ?), Somerset, England c: in Tankersley Parish, West Riding , Yorkshire, England
2-Robert PHIPPS b: in Nottingham, , England

Thomas Phipps
Birth: 1510 in Cemely (or Cemeley or Camel ?), Somerset, England
Christening: Tankersley Parish, West Riding , Yorkshire, England
Death: Abt 1570 in England
Married: Abt 1549 in England
to Anne b: in England

1- William PHIPPS b: 1550 in Worcester, Worcester, England

William PHIPPS
Birth: 1550 in Worcester, Worcester, England 1
Death: Aft 1590 in Mangotsfield, Gloucester, England 2
Occupation: Farmer
Religion: Quaker
Married: Abt 1577 in , Worcester, England
Susan b: Abt 1556 in Worcester, Worcester, England

1-John PHIPPS b: 1580 in Worcester, Worcester, England
William PHIPPS Jr b: 1578 in Mangotsfield, Gloucester, England
Marie PHIPPS b: 1582 in Worcester, Worcester, England
Susan PHIPPS b: 1584 in Worcester, Worcester, England

John Pipps
Birth: 1580 in Worcester, Worcester, England Death: Aft 1607 in England
Married: 1601 in Worcester, Worcester, England
to Elizabeth NEIGHBOR
b: Abt 1582 in Worcester, Worcester, England

children info from
1- William Phipps b: 1602 in Worcester, England
2-Molly Phipps b: ABT 1604 in Worcester, England
3-Elizabeth Phipps b: 1605 in Worcester, England
4.JOHN PHIPPS Jr, b. 1607, Abington, Berkshire, England; d . Aft. 1640.
Catherine Phipps b: 1609 in England
Solomon Phipps b: 1611 in England

John Phipps Jr
Birth: 1607 in Abingdon, Berkshire, England
Death: <1687> in England
Religion: Quaker
married Married: 1637 in Reading, Berkshire, England
Mary ? Birth: Abt 1610 in England

1-Joseph PHIPPS Sr b: 16 Oct 1640 in Reading, Berkshire, England
2-Ann PHIPPS b: 31 Oct 1641 in Reading, Berkshire, England
3-John PHIPPS jrb: 1650 in Abingdon, Berkshire, England

info from

Joseph Phipps Sr
Birth: 16 Oct 1640 in Reading, Berkshire, England
Death: 13 Oct 1716 in Abington, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA
married Married: 1665 in St. Lawrence Church, Reading, Berkshire, England
to Sarah Binfield
Birth: 1 Feb 1639 in Reading, Berkshire, England
Death: 27 Nov 1725 in Abington, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA

Phipps, Joseph. Born Aug. 28, 1640 in Reading, Berkshire, England. Arrived about 1682.
He died by Oct. of 1716. His father was Thomas Phipps.
He married 1665 in St. Lawrence Church, Reading
Sarah Brimfield born about 1643, died 1725, daughter of Andrew Binfield and Eleanor Simonds.
They moved to Chester Co. from Philadelphia about 1682.
His wife was a Quaker minister.
Joseph wrote his will Apr. 1, 1709, proved Oct. 13, 1716 while living in Abington twp., Chester C o. PA.

Source :

P3. Josiah Aug. 8, 1668, died about 173 0 Cecil Co. MD, Married Eleanor Smith
P4. Lydia born Aug. 16, 1669 in Reading
P5. Ann Dec. 16, 1672
P6. Benjamin Nov. 20, 1674 in Reading , died 1674
P8. Thomas who married Mary Shoemaker ? If so
they had at least: Anne July 22, 1737
P9. Zephaniah Jan. 5, 1681, died July 2 1, 1689
P9. Thomas Oct. 28, 1678
P10. William Feb. 28, 1682 died young
P11. Sarah
P11. William Feb. 28, 1662, died young
P12. John received land from his father between 1706 and 1708 and in his father's will
got with his mother bulk of estate.
P13. Joseph June 27, 1641 in Reading
P14. Isaiah Aug. 8, 1668, received land fro m his father in Nov of 1710.
This is likely the Isaiah wh o married Ann and had at least: John about 1744 in Philadel phia
William Penn conveyed to John Tanner of Love Lane, London , England, 500 acres in Pennsylvania,
by deed of February 3 , 1681 and the like quantity to William Tanner of Uxbridge , co. of Middlesex, England.
These two convey their 1,000 a cres to Benjamin Clark, citizen and stationer of London by their deeds of lease
and release, dated 20 & 21 June 1688 , and the last named granted 500 acres thereof for 10 pound s to Joseph Phipps,
tallow chandler, late of Reading in the co. of Berkshire, per his deed of July 13, 1683,
which last is recorded at Philadelphia.
Warrants for a total of 5,850 acres in Pennsylvania, in addition to three lots in th e city of Philadelphia,
were granted to Joseph Phipps. May 9, 1683 - from the board of property a warrant for 250 acres in Abington townshipl
which was the upper part of Philadelphia Co., which was patented to him September 7, 1686.
He bought 250 acres adjacent, from Robert Ewer per deed of A ugust 7, 1690.
(Phipps Quarterly Apr. - June 1978)
On September 06, 1682, he was present at a monthly meetin g at Burlington, N.J., member of Provincial Assembly Chester Co.
January 02, 1708/09, will written - will proved October 13 , 1716
Occupation: tallow chandler, farmer
Joseph Phipps, founder of the family of this country, lived in England at or near Reading.
He became a member of th e Society of Friends and came to this country with his family about 1682.
He was a friend and associate of William Penn and was a member of the first Assembly of Penn's colony ,
which met first at Upland, now Chester, and later Philadelphia.
He is said to have operated a store in Philadelphia at Second and Sassafras (now Race Street).
He received from William Penn deeds to valuable lands,
copies which were read at the Phipps Centennial Reunion, held in August 1897.
These lands included a grant of 300 acres near Abington meeting and Jenkintown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania , where he settled.
It is said that Joseph Phipps and his neighbor, Richard Jenkins,
formed the committee that built the original Abington Meetinghouse towards the end of the seventeenth century.
Family tradition says Joseph cane with William Penn
but the book "Welcome Claimants" says his sister Sarah's husban d John Houlston, was on the Welcome,
but the Phipps family aren't listed or on other ships.
When William Penn came into the possession of Pennsylvania ,
three counties were formed - Philadelphia, Bucks, and Chester. Montgomery County,
where the Phipps property was, was formed from Philadelphia.
Abigton is one of the earliest Friends' Meetings in Pennsylvania.
There is an account of it's early story in the History of Montgomery County, PA,
edited by Theodore W. Bean in 1884, from which the following extract is quoted:
"About 1691 the members of Oxford Meeting-house having joined the Keithians,
the Friends continued their worship at private houses until John Barnes,
by deed dated 5th of Second Month 1697, vested one hundred and twenty acres in Abington to wnship,
near the present borough of Jenkintown, in trustees for the benefit of a meetin house,
and the maintainance of a school, which was willingly accepted,
and thus led to its present location. On the 27th of Tenth Month
following William Jenkins gave a relation about Friends in Philadelphia
giving assistance toward building a new meeeting-house at Abington,
when the aforesaid Joseph Phipps were appointed to proceed there the following month for securing additional aid.
On the 25th of Twelfth Month, 1699 the collection of the meeting amounting to 5 pounds 10 shillings 6 pence
were paid to the treasurer Everard Bolton and Joseph Phipps, Thomas Canby and William Jenkins
were appointed by the Monthly Meeting to inspect the accounts of the aforesaid
and of Samuel Cart, 'concerning ye building of ye meeting -house' for which they had been employed.
The committee reported to the Monthly Meeting 24th of Fourth Month, 1700,
that they had examined the accounts and find that there is due Everard Bolton 18shillings 6 pence,
which was ordered to be paid.
The meeting house was the second build in the pr esent limits of the sounty,
being preceded by the one in Lower Merion by only two years."
Regarding the burial ground adjacent to the Abington Meetin g House:-
"The graveyard to the northwest of the meeting-ho use was considerably enlarged between the years 1842 and 1844
and now comprises an area of several acres.
Here repose beneath common stones some of the earliest settlers in this vicinity with several generations of descendants.
Inscriptions can be found only on the latter stones..."
The township of Abington is situated in the extreme southea stern section of the county,
and is bounded on the northwest by Upper Dublin, northeast by Moreland,
southeast by Philadelphia, and southwest by Springfield, Cheltenham and th e borough of Jenkintown.
The name of Abington has been applied from several parishes so called and formed more than nine hundred years ago,
in Northampton and Cambridgeshire, England... From Thomas Holmes' map of of original surveys,
probably filled up before 1696, we secure some additional inf ormation as to the first taking up of the lands.
Beginning at the present Philadelphia line, on the south side of Susquehanna Street road:
Thomoas Livesay, Robert Fairman, Walter King, Richard Dungworth, William Chamberlain, Joseph Phipps...
From a return made by the constable ar the order of Thomas Penn,
Abington was reported in 1734 to contain forty-two resident landholders and taxables (no Phipps)...
William Jenkins, the founder of the family bearing the name in this section,
is stated to have come from Wales, and must have resided in the township
at least as late as 27th of Tenth Month, 1697,
when he was appointed with Joseph Phipps to solicit subscriptions in Philadelphia
toward the erection of the new meeting house...
Benjamin Lay, the eccentric stated to have been a member of the Society of Friends,
and after the death of his wife sought out a retired spot about a quarter of a mile east of Abington Meeting-hose,
belonging to John Phips, now the estate of the late Joshua Francis Fisher .
He improved a natural excavation on the hillside, so as t o afford him a commodious apartment...
Assement of Abington for 1780.
Peter Phipps 199 a, 2 horses , 1 cow... Joseph Phipps Jr., lab, 1 cow....Joseph Phipps S r. 70 acres, 2 horses...."
(From A Brief History of the "Phipps Family in Venango County In Celebration of Their Two Hundred Years in Venango County" - by Nancy Byers Romig.)
Minutes of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting. 26th of 2 Mo. 1695 ,
at Robert Ewer's. Richard Gove & Evan Morris are desire d to take care that
the subscriptions may be carried on rel ating to Joseph Phipps and bring the same in to the next me eting.
Last day of 3rd Month, 1695, at Robert Ewer's house.
The friends appointed to Collect the subscription for Joseph Phips's assitance by reason of his house being burned
have done the same, they are desired to pay it to R. E. that the sa id Joseph Phips may have it,
the sum being 22 pounds 12.7.
28th of 4th Month 1695 at Robert Ewer's.
The money collected for Joseph Phips was paid in to Robert Ewer and the said Ewer paid it to Joseph Phipps
and took his receipt for the same.
30th of 6th Month 1695 at Robert Ewer's.
There being a complaint brought to this meeting by Joseph Phipps against Rich ard Sutton in some manner
depending between them, this meeting being informed that Joseph Phips have dealt orderly with him requested...
to speak to Richard Sutton in order to End the said difference,
and make report thereof to the nex t meeting.
27th of 7th Month 1695 at Robert Ewer's.
Matter depending b etween Joseph Phips and Richard Sutton is ended.
(From "A Brief History of the Phipps Family in Venango County In Celebration of Their Two Hundred Years in Venango County" - by Na ncy Byers Romig.)
Joseph Phipps, tallow chandler, "Late of Reading Co. of Berks., " in 1683 bought from B. C. (Benjamin Clark),
citizen and stationer in London, 500 acres to be laid out in PA .
The following year he obtained a warrant for a 25 foot lot on west side of Front,
between Mulberry and Sassafras Streets, which extended west to Second St.
This property he daily improved and built on" but in 1693 sold it to Richard Sutton and removed to Cheltenham township.
Deed book C 2-3 90:12 July 1683. Benjamin Clark to Joseph P hipps. Warrants & Surveys, I, 952.
The ground Phipps and Su tton held comprises ground now occupied by houses on north side of Elfreth's Alley.
William Penn conveyed to John Tanner of Love Lane, London , Eng., 500 acres in PA., by Deed of 3 Feb. 1681,
and the like quantity to William Tanner of Uxbridge, Co. of Middlese x, Eng.
These two conveyed their 1,000 acres to Benjamin Cl ark, citizen and stationer of London by their Deeds of Lease and Release,
dated 20 and 21 Jun. 1688, and the last named granted 500 acres thereof for 10 pounds to Joseph Phipps ,
tallow chandler, late of Reading in the County of Berks. ,
per his Deed of 13 July 1683, which last is recorded at P hiladelphia.
Warrants for a total of 5,850 acres in PA., in addition to these three lots in the City of Philadelphia
were granted to Joseph Phipps (PA archives, 3-2).
At the monthly meeting of 6 Sept. 1682 at Burlington, N.J.,
Joseph Phipps appears and was appointed on a committee; he appears as a member of the Provincial Assembly from Chester Co . , PA.
On 9 May 1683 Joseph Phipps obtained from the Board of Property a warrant for 250 acres in Abington Tn.,
which w as the upper part of Philadelphia Co., which was patented to him 7 Sept. 1686.
He bought 250 acres adjacent from Rober t Ewer per Deed of 7 Aug. 1690.
Joseph Phipps; will was dat ed 2nd day, 1st month 1709 and proved 13 Oct. 1716.
1st Mo. 1689-90. Behalf of James Kingsburrie - grant him 25 foot lott in Dellaware front st...
lyes between Benjamin C hambers and Joseph Phipps... Minute Book D.
"D" - 5th 5th mo. 1690. Joseph Phips requests Benjamin Cham bers might have the bank before his,
the said Phips' fron t lott on Dellaware, he having acknowledged that the said
Benjamin Chambers hath made him satisfaction for his Right t herein.
"G" - Deed dated 21 June 1683, sold all their (proprietary ) 1,000 acres to Benjamin Clark,
who by Deed dated 12 Jun e 1683, conveyed 500 acres, a Moiety thereof to Joseph Phips,
whose Share has been reckoned the Purchase of John Tanner and the other Moiety remain'g to B.
Clark the Purchase of William Tanner. In right of said John's Purchase there has been laid out to the said
Joseph Phips in one Tract 300 a cres in the County of Philad'a, neat Nich. Skull's land,
on which he requests a Resurvey and a Warrant for 8 acres o f Lib.
Land to himself and the like Quantity to Benjamin Cl ark.
Benjamin Chambers several times requested Propr'ty....
consideration of Barrenness of the Tract of Land laid out in cou nty of Chester for 2000 acres to the Kentish Purchasers,
He would be pleased to grant him at a moderate rate to take upon the No. Side of said Tract for himself
and Henry Green, 2 of the said Purchasers, 150 acres of vacant Land and at the Eastern End of said Tract 200 acres
for Peter Blan and James Hunt...formerly laid out to Anthony Westar an d Burgess, and by them deserted...Benj.,
upon Survey...., s hall pay After the Rate of 12 pounds per 100...
2 Warrants be granted. Signed a Warrant to Joseph Phips, ordered today.
"G" p. 268 16th of 12th 1701. Benjamin Clark, purchaser o f 1000 acres....
Warrant dated 28th 4 mo. 1686...Lott 20 foo t in breadth, bounded North with Sam'll Fox,
and South with Rich'd Sutton's, formerly Jos. Phips.
The Prop'ry having by 3 Several Warr'ts now in the Surveyor's Office, granted to Joseph Phips in 1683 and '84.
"G" p 313-315. Joseph Phips, Junr., of Co. of Chester, Seat ed on tract laid out for 200 acres, as is said,
to George Woodyear, in upper Providence, purchased by said George....
at his first arrival, for payment of which said Joseph produces a certificate....George requests Resurvey...

(From A Brief History of the Phipps Family in Venango County In Celeb ration of Their Two Hundred Years in Venango County - by Nancy Byers Romig.)
Joseph Phipps, an English Quaker tallow-chandler who underwent repeated imprisonment for his faith,
immigrated to Pennsylvania where he lived for over 30 years;
he accumulated a substantial land estate but was relatively inactive politically.
Born in 1640 in Reading, Berkshire, England, Phipps had become a Quaker by January 1661,
when he was imprisoned for refusing to swear the oath of allegience.
He was imprisoned at least six more times between June 1662 and July 1666 for attending illegal religious meetings;
although sentenced in July 1666 to be transported to the colonies,
Phipps remained in jail until released by royal pardon in 1672.
His wife, Sarah Phipps, having been imprisoned in 1671, was also released at that time.
Phipps suffered his final incarceration from October 1675 to February 1676,
again for refusing to swear the oath of allegiance.
A member of Reading Monthly Meeting, Phipps attended at least 21 sessions between 1669 and 1682;
in 1680 he signed a certificate against th behavior of Thomas Curtis,
who lead a separatist movement from the monthly meeting.
Presumably tired of the constant harassment, Phipps immigrated with his family to Chester County, Pennsylvania,
apparently in 1682, for he represented that county in the 1683
As sembly, where he served on a committee to determine fines on members absent for entire sessions.
He also served on a trial jury at Chester County court in June 1683 and on a grand jury at Philadelphia County court
on March 1686, although he was fined in June 1686 for absenting himself from a trial jury.
Aside from two brief stints as a tax collector, Phipps does not appear to have engaged in further public service.
Phipps apparently had rights through several purchases to at least 1500 acres in Pennsylvania,
which were located in Concord and Upper Providence townships, Chester County ,
and in the area of Cheltenham and Abington townships, Philadelphia County.
He also owned two Philadelphia city lots , along Front and Third streets between Mulberry and Sassafras streets;
he resided on the Front Street lot until Apri l 1693, when he moved to Abington.
Phipps sold his other Philadelphia city lot in 1695,
the year in which his home and outbuildings at Abington burned down,
prompting Philadelphia Monthly Meeting to subscribe almost (L-symbol)23 for his assistance.
In 1690 Phipps had also sold 400 acres in Kent County that he had acquired three years earlier from William Berry.
Although Sarah Phipps became a Quaker minister after 1700 ,
her husband does not appear to have been particularly active among Friends.
A member of Abington Monthly Meeting aft er 1694,
Phipps was one of the two Friends called upon in 1698 to inspect the behavior at Cheltenham Friends' youth meetings
and was one of five Friends appointed in 1700 to inspect the accounts of the building of Abington meetinghouse.
Between 1706 and 1708 Phipps conveyed both his Abington home and 284 acres to his son John,
while in 1710-11 he conveyed another 150 acres to John and 150 acres to another son , Isaiah.

Phipps drew up his will on 1 April 1709, leavin the bulk of his personal estate to his wife and son John ,
the latter to act as executor, with Samuel Cart and Thomas Canby as overseers.
The will was probated on 13, Octobe r 1716, two days after his estate was appraised at 45 pound s.
The Will of Joseph Phipps
The will of Joseph Phipps of Abington,
probated October 13t h, 1716. Registrars Office, Philadelphia, Book D 1716. Pag e 59, No. 76.
I, Joseph Phipps of the township of Abington in the county of Philadelphia, Yeoman,
being in good health and of a so und and perfect memory,
calling to remembrance the uncertain state of this transitory life
and all flesh must yield unto death when it do please God to call, do make, constitute ,
ordain and declare this my last Will and Testament in man ner following,
revoking and annulling by these presents al l and every Testament and Testaments, Will and Wills,
there tofore made and declared either by word or writing and this is to be taken only for by
last will and Testament and no ne other, and now for settling of my Temporal Estate
and such goods, chattels, and debts, as it has pleased God to bestow upon me,
I do order, give and dispose the same in manne r and form following, that is to say,
First, I will that al l those debts as I owe in right and contious (sp?)
to any manner of person or persons whatsoever, shall be well
and truly paid or cause to be paid within convenient time after my decease by my Executor hereafter named,
Imprimis, I do give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sarah Phipps my best f ather bed with all my best furniture
and belonging unto it both wooling and Lining,
also I do give and bequeath to m y said wife Three of my best silver spoons, one warming pan ,
one Pot and Pothooks, one Gettel, Two Pewter dishes, Two porringers, six plates, one Table, 2 board,
Two chairs, o ne looking Glass, Two of my best cows and two of my Sheep ,
also I do give and bequeath unto my said wife Ten pound s a year during her natural life to be paid out of my plantation
by my said Executor hereafter named, that is to say fifty shillings a quarter in current silver money of Pennsyl vania.
My will is that my said wife shall have the use of Two Rooms of my house which she shall like best during her life,
and further my will is that my said executor, hereafte r named doe provide hay and fodder for ye Two Cows
and Two Sheeps, I bequeath unto my said wife and fodder them therewith and that my said Executor provide
and bring firewood to the door for my said wife to burn during her life and my will is further that
if my wife shall have occasion o f any more of my household goods that
my said executor shall let her have the use of them during her life.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Phipps, six shillings o f lawful money in Pennsylvania, Item,
I give and bequeath unto my said John Phipps my plantation in the Township of Abington
containing about one hundred and seventy four acre s of land be it more or less
with all the buildings and improvements thereon for him and his heirs forever.
Item. All the rest of my chattels and goods not here, both real and personal
I give and bequeath to my son John Phipps whom I make my whold and sole executor of this my last Will and Testament
and I do hereby nominate and appoint my loving friends Samuel Cart and Thomas Canby of the township of Abington,
overseers of this my last will and Testament desir ing them to see this my last will performed.
In Witness whe reof I have hereunto put my hand and seal this first day of the Second month One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nine (170 9).
Signed, Sealed, declared and Published Joseph Phipps in the presence of Henry Bennett Morris Morris Mathias Tisse n William Powell
Be it Remembered That on ye 13th day of October 1716 the Last Will and Testament of Joseph Phipps,
Deceased, was proved in due form of Law.
Probate & Letters of Administration was Granted to John Phi pps,
Executor therein Named, being first attested well & truly to administer
and to bring an Invetory of ye Decedants Estate into ye Register General's office at Philadelphia ye 13th day of November next,
and also to Render accoun t when Required.
Given under ye Seal of said office per Pet. Evard, Reg. Gen eral [Book D., page 79, Philadelphia]
Inventory of all an d singular the goods, chattels
and creditts of Joseph Phipps senior of Abington in the county of Philadelphia and province of Pennsylvania, deceased.
Praised by Thomas Canby an d Daniell Thomas. Imprimis
To Purse and apparell 10
To one feather bed and furniture 10
To one flock bed and furniture 5
To Greate Pewter dishes and 1/2 doz. plates 2
To one copper and one iron Pot 2
To two pewter candlesticks and a warming pan 06
To a pair of Pot Hooks and Hangar 06
To six chairs, one old chest of Drawers 1 08
To a close Press and a table 1
To a looking Glass and one Box iron 12
To 3 Cows and one Yearling 11
To 10 sheep, 4 shoats and 4 pigs 2
45 12
(Source A Brief History of the Phipps Family in Venango Cou nty In Celebration of Their Two Hundred Years in Venango Co unty - by Nancy Byers Romig.)

children of Josephs Phipps Sr and Sarah Binfield
1-Joseph PHIPPS Jr b: 22 Jun 1671 in Reading, Berkshire, England
2-Sarah PHIPPS
3-John PHIPPS b: 5 Apr 1666 in Reading, Berkshire, England
4-Josiah PHIPPS b: 8 Aug 1668 in Reading, Berkshire, England
5-Isaiah PHIPPS b: 8 Aug 1668 in Reading, Berkshire, England
6-Lydia PHIPPS b: 16 Aug 1669 in Reading, Berkshire, England
7-Ann PHIPPS b: 16 Dec 1672 in Reading, Berkshire, England
8-Benjamin PHIPPS b: 20 Nov 1674 in Reading, Berkshire, England
9-Benjamin PHIPPS b: 2 Oct 1676 in Reading, Berkshire, England
10-Thomas PHIPPS b: 28 Oct 1678 in Reading, Berkshire, England

infrom from

Joseph PHIPPS Jr
Birth: 22 Jun 1671 in Reading, Berkshire, England
Death: 11 Nov 1762 in Uwchlan Twp, Chester Co, Pennsylvania,
Occupation Farmer...Religion Quaker
married Married: Mar 1694 in , Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
to Mary WOODIER Birth: 27 Jun 1675 in Uwchlan Twp, Chester Co, Pennsylvania,
Death: 1742 in Abington, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA
daughter of George and Elizabeth Woodier

Josephs Phipps JR Came to America with parents at age 21.
Because of the prom inence of his father in community affairs,
Joseph, until hi s marriage in 1694 is little heard of.
After his marriage , because of his leadership and management abilities,
he was not altogether idle or wasting his times between his arrival in this country and his marriage.
He lived in Lower Providence Township, Delaware Co., and later purchased land i n Uwchlan Township,
about four miles northwest of Downingto n. (A Brief History of the Phipps Family in Venango Count y - Romig)

"At Chester Monthly Meeting held at Walter Faucet's in Ridl ey that 5th of the 1st mo. 1693/4:

Joseph Phipps, son of Joseph Phips of ye Township of Cheltenham in the County of Philadelphia, and Mary Woodyear, daughter of George Woodyear,
belonging to this meeting, Layd their intentions of marriage before this meeting, being the f irst time,
the meeting orders Frances Worrell & Elizabeth S waffer to inquire concerning her clearness
and report ye sa me to ye next monthly meeting.

"At a monthly meeting held at Robert Vernon's y 2d of ye 2 d month 1694:
"Joseph Phipps son of Joseph and Sarah Phipps , of the Township of Cheltenham in the County of Philadelph ia,
and Mary Woodyear, Daughter of George Woodyear,
belonging to this monthly meeting,
having declared their intention s of taking each other as man & wife,
it being ye second time. And nothing appearing to obstruct their proceedings
the y have their liberty to accomplish the same according to truths order.
(A Brief History of the Phipps Family in Venang o County - Romig)

"G" p 313-315. Joseph Phips, Junr., of Co. of Chester, Seated on tract laid out for 200 acres,
as is said, to George Woodyear, in upper Providence, purchased by said George....
at his first arrival, for payment of which said Joseph produ ces a certificate....
George requests Resurvey...

George Woodyard Acknowledged a Deed unto Joseph Phipps for Two hundred Acres of land lying in Upper Providence
the Deed Beareing Date the fifth Day of Ffebuary 1695/6.

Joseph Phipps Acknowledged A Deed of mortgage for the Above Two Hundred Acres of land
for the payment of mony for the same the Deed bearing Date the Tenth Day of March: 1695/6 .
(A Brief History of the Phipps Family in Venango Count y - Romig)

Joseph Phipps' oldest son Joseph Phipps II, and his wife (Mary Woodyear),
lived on a farm of 1,600 acres in Uwchlan, n ear Lionville, Chester County.

Copied from records at West Chester.
Joseph Phipps was an early settler in Chester County and aquired extensive land h oldings.
He was in Chester County as early as 1683, owned l and in Upper Providence in 1695
and sold 500 acres along Br andywine Creek in 1713.
In Uwchlan Township Joseph Phipps purchased 800 acres in 1714 (tracts 43, 44 and 45).

About 1717 he temporarily held most of tract 66. In 1721 he aquired 500 acres from the Thomas Hayward patent
which ha d been deeded to Richard Webb. This included 86, 87, 88, 89 , 90, and 91.

Joseph Phipps deeded most of his land to his sons. Tract 45 , 300 acres, went to Nathan Phipps in 1726;
tracts 86-91 went to Joseph Phipps, Jr. in 1729;
tract 44, 400 acres, went to John Phipps in 1738.
In addition he gave one acre in t ract 44, at the corner next to the Lionville triangle,
for a schoolhouse.

At the time of his second marriage on the 20th of 3 mo 1742
an Indenture Tripartite between Joseph Phipps and Mary Helsby and Charles Gatlive deeds 100 acres
to Mary Helsby by Joseph Phipps. Joseph's will, written in 1754,
named all of the above children except John and Aaron.
He left to his son George a 111 acre tract purchased from Samuel John and 30 adjacent acres purchased from Ralph Helsby (tract 33) . Friends records indicate that the sons of Joseph Phipps did not live up to Quaker standards.
Nathan married out of the society;
Joseph Jr. was married "by a priest";
George was complained of i n 1727 for excessive drinking and quarreling;
Samuel was condemned in 1732 for having indecent familiarity with his ne ighbor's wife;
and John was condemned in 1735 for having ab sconced after being charged with fathering a bastard child .
John was complained of again in 1739 for assaulting a nei ghbor.
(A Brief History of the Phipps Family in Venango Cou nty - Romig)

"5 mo-26-1708, Joseph Phipps' acknowledgement accepted for quarreling with Christopher Clayton (dated 9 mo 1st 1707 )
'I have had a great deal of trouble upon my mind for so d oing'....
(A Brief History of the Phipps Family in Venang o County - Romig) <
br>"To ffriends of Chester Monthly Meeting: Dear ffriends,
My Easiness and too much Condesention to my Daughter Sarah' s marriage with John Holston
(who does not profess the truth with us) hath geen some sorrow and griefe to me and my wife
and trouble to ffriends in a generall way ffor which I can do no less than acknowledge my self much to blame
and hope for the time to come I shall take such care that nothing in the nature happens again in my family
and that I may be in your Remembrance in your nearest approaches before the almighty
for the preservation of me and my family is the Desire of your afflicted friend and Brother as witness my hand
the 27th of the 2d month 1713."
(A Brief History o f the Phipps Family in Venango County - Romig)

Also this, John Haney from Dublin, consideration 15 pound s paid by Joseph Phipps, Jr., of Chester Co., PA.,
to Rober t Wakely passage money to Penna.
Servant to Phipps for 5 years. Servants & apprent. bound by James Hamilton, mayor o f Philadelphia, 1745.
(A Brief History of the Phipps Famil y in Venango County - Romig)

The present Meeting was erected in 1756.... and in 1771 Joseph Phipps gave 10 pounds for repair and improvement.
Mary Phipps gave 3 pounds in 1782. In 1796 John Phipps gave.
More than 25 members of the Phipps family were buried here a r Uwchlan.

Chester Co. Wills
Joseph Phipps, II, Will Book V. 4 page 408 9/27/1754

Trustees: Samuel Lightfoot, Thomas Milhouse
Exec.: Mary Phipps, Thomas Downing
Samuel John, Griffith John, Robert John

to: son Samuel: 5 shillings (PA currency)
son Joseph: 5 shillings (PA currency)

son Nathan: 5 shillings (PA currency)
son John: 5 shillings (PA currency)

dtr. Sarah Houlston - 20 shillings (PA currency)
wife Mary - 18 pounds (PA currency)

son George - 14 pounds (PA currency) at age 21

remaining estate divided equally between wife Mary and son George (at age 21)

wife Mary: 100 acres in Uwchlan Twp. bought from David Lloy d

son George: 111 acres in Uwchlan Twp. bought from Samuel Jo hn.

+ 30 acres in Uwchlan Twp. bought from Ralph Helsby

+ home plantation bordered by Samuel John, Sr., Robert Alli son, David Thomas, John Jukins.

Item: George to care for Mother
Item: Restriction to 50 acres of clearing land on George' s plots,
and "neither suffer any Timber belonging to the sa id places to be sold, wasted, or Destroyed
any more than for the Necessary use or uses of the said places as Occation s may require."

Item: Wife's land passes to George upon her decease.

Item: Executors directed to find George a good Master & App renticeship if he chooses not to farm.

to: Uwchlan Meeting - 10 pounds (PA currency)
If George dies prematurely, his share of the estate p asses to Nathan and John.

From File 2078 Chester Co. papers in Wills & Admin. Docke t Index, Vol P, p. 55.

I, John Phipps, do hereby Caveat you against the proving of any writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament
of Joseph Phipps Late of Uwchland Twp. in the Co. of Chester Yeoman deceased until I be heard,
Witness my hand. Joh n Phipps

to Henry Hale Graham, Dep. Reg. for Chester Co.
On the back -
John declines and retracts his Caveat, approv ing the will to be genuine. June of 1783.

Register Court held at Chester - 12/12/1762 (exceptionall y difficult to decipher)

"This Court be called to decide a Caveat filed in the Reg . office by John Phipps,
appraising any writing said to be the will of Joseph Phipps the elder deceased and the said John Phipps appeared together
with ? named in a log purpo rting to be the deceased's will, and yet?
John alledging h e was not duly cited nor had time to bring his witness
and after hearing Counsels for and against this hearing.
It' s Considered that the ? of James Speary be taken to be mad e use of in case of his Death or absence
by Sickness which Sickness must be proved and this John Phipps doth ?
in Court agree that the depse? of sd John taken before ? and ye depse? of John
now taken up Court shall be made ? of on t he full ? of this affair.
(remainder torn and missing)
Two statements from 12. 21 1762

1. James Speary saying that he wrote up the will 7 or 8 years previous he had drawn up the will
and that all was legit imate.

2. Griffith John saying that he & Samuel John and Robert Jo hn were present and witnessed the signing
of Joseph Phipps ' will.
Also noted that Joseph had had palsy for a long time and was very hard of hearing
so probably heard only a 'word here and there' when Speary read the will to him.
But, he also says that Joseph had on his spectacles and 'looked on the writing
as if he owned this his writing to be his will.'

Statement from Samuel John witnessing the signaature of the will and that 'the Affirmant (J. Phipps)
further Saith th at the Said Joseph Phipps was Struck with the Palsy befor e he executed his will'.
(Hence his signature of X on his w ill.) 12/13/1762
Inventory of Joseph Phipps

To wearing apparel 12 pounds, 15 shillings

a silver watch 6 pounds
a riding horse, saddle and bridle 15 pounds

cash in the house 9 pounds 19 shillings 8 1/2 pence
a brown mare 9 pounds

a bay mare 12 pounds
a bay coult 5 pounds 10 shillings

a brown cow with a bell on 3 pounds 5 shillings

a read cow 3 pounds
a read cow 3 pounds

a brown cow 3 pounds
a brown heifer 2 pounds 15 shillings

a pide brinded heifer 2 pounds 10 shillings
two bread heifers 3 pounds

a black pide heifer 2 pounds
4 yearling calves 4 pounds 5 shillings

heay at the Barn & in the meadow 9 pounds 10 shillings

Straw & Fodder in the Barn 1 pound 10 shillings

Wheat & Rye in the Ground 20 pounds 10 shillings

a Wagen & Gears 13 pounds
14 Sheep 5 pounds 12 shillings

a Plow & Irons 1 pound 2 shillings 6 pence
a harrow 7 shillings 6 pence

an apple mill & Trough & Press 18 shillings
one Carat Body 7 shillings 6 pence

3 Matocks & 3 weeding hows 8 shillings 3 pence

4 Fowling Axes & Brawd Axe 12 shillings
2 dung forks & 4 Sickels & cleaver & iron bar 17 shillings

a pair of Bedstids & Grindstone & wheel barrow 17 shillings

a sythe & hangings and maul and wedges 8 shillings 6 pence

a desk 4 pounds
one ovel Table 2 pounds 10 shillings

one Tea Table 1 pound 10 shillings
a Walnut Table 18 shillings

7 chairs 1 pound 11 shillings
a Bed & Bedding & Bed Sties 9 pounds

a Trunk & Indian Corn 1 pounds 13 shillings

a Box & Dryed apples & a pair of wood comb 13 shillings 6 p ence

Chees & hatchet & pot Rack & Dough trough 17 shilligs 2 pen ce

9 Barrels of Cider & one Hogshead 1 pound 11 shillings

1 Tub of Pork & a tub of Beef 2 pounds

2 churns & 2 Cages 10 shillings
6 chairs & Walnut Scantlin 1 pound 8 shillings

One Case & Drawers 1 pound 10 shillings
a Spice Box and a chest 3 pounds

a Bed & Bedding & of Bed Sties 6 pounds 10 shillings

a Warming Pan & Box & Hat Case & Saddle Bags 9 shillings

a Looking Glass 2 shillings 6 pence
2 Beds & Bedding & one pair of Bed Sties 3 pounds 15 shilli ngs

2 Baggs & Wheat in the Loft 6 pounds 2 shillings
2 Brass pans 1 pound 7 shillings

one Long wheel & one little wheel & reel & farm 1 pound 6 s hillings

3 Side Saddles 4 pounds
three Hatchets & lumber in the Loft 1 pound 6 pence

one Saddle & Bridle 3 pounds 10 shillings
Carpenter tools & a gun 2 pounds 2 shillings 6 pence

a fire Shovel & Tongues & pot rack & one fire Dog 5 shillin gs

puter on the Dresser 4 pounds 13 shillings
a Lantron and Tubs & pails & ? 14 shillings

Pots & pot hooks 15 shillings
Sundry of Books 3 pounds 19 shillings 6 pence

a Table & Grible & Grid Iron 10 shillings
a pair of Stilyards & frying pan & Box & heaters 14 shillin gs

Tea Weave 2 shillings 6 pence
a Boy that is Bound for years 10 pounds

Sundry Bonds & bills 60 pounds 13 shillings 11 pence
a note 20 shillings

a note 2 pounds
Book Depts 2 pounds 19 shillings 6 pence
Insolvent Bond 8 pounnds 2 pence

Bookes Depts 5 pounds 19 shillings
One Plantation 300 pounds
One Plantation 327 pounds

One Plantation 166 pounds 10 shillings
TOTAL 1112 pounds 11 shillings 5 pence

Appraised by Thomas Evans, Cadwalader Jones Errors Excepte d 12/8/1762
(A Brief History of The Phipps Family in Venang o County - Nancy Byers Romig)

Burial: Uwchlan Society of Friends Graveyard
Later lived Uwchlan, Chester Co. abt 4 miles northwest of Downington129

Medical Information: wore glasses, hard of hearing, had palsy old age

"10 mo 29, 1707 (women's minutes)
"The meetings being calle d over & several matters of business being discoursed of the meeting
orders hannah sharpells & Alice pennel to speak to Mary Phips to come and give satisfaction to friends.

"4-28-1708: "This meeting orders Margitt Coppock & Alice Si mcock to speak to Mary Phipps to give satisfaction

to friends that the truth may be clear.
Mary Phipps appears & Ones her selfe in a fault & says she is sorry for what she hath done
& hopes that she shall never give the like occasion to friends any more.
( A Brief History of The Phipps Family in Venango County - Nancy Byers Romig)

George Woodyear of Chester, yeoman, in will dated Jan. 25 , 1714,
proven 5 mo 20th 1717 devised nearly all his estate to the seven children of his daughter ,
Mary Phipps (Name s not given.) (A Brief History of The Phipps Family in Venango County - Romig)

1-Joseph PHIPPS III b: 26 Feb 1700 in Uwchlan Twp, Chester Co, Pennsylvania, USA
2- Mary PHIPPS
3-Jonathan PHIPPS
4-Isaac PHIPPS
5-Sarah Ann PHIPPS b: Sep 1695 in , Pennsylvania, USA
6-Samuel PHIPPS b: 27 Oct 1697 in , Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
7-Nathan PHIPPS b: 1 Sep 1702 in Uwchlan Twp, Chester Co, Pennsylvania, USA
8-George PHIPPS b: 12 Aug 1705 in , Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
9-John PHIPPS b: 21 Jun 1713 in Uwchlan Twp, Chester Co, Pennsylvania, USA
10-Aaron PHIPPS b: 5 May 1716 in , Chester, Pennsylvania, USA

Joseph PHIPPS III born: 26 Feb 1700 in Uwchlan Twp, Chester Co, Pennsylvania, USA
Death: 7 Dec 1771 in , Botetourt, Virginia,

Married 1st on Mar 1727 in , Pennsylvania, USA to Elisabeth bron 1710 died before 1771
Remarried on 3 Apr 1742 in Uwchlan Twp, Chester Co, Pennsylvania to
Mary HELSBY Birth: Mar 1712 ... Death: 1782

Tracts 86-91 went to Joseph Phipps, Jr. in 1729.
(A Brief H istory of the Phipps Family in Venango County - Nancy Byer s Romig)
Joseph Phipps, Jr. (III or IV), apparently died intestate in East Caln in 1769.
It must have been this Joseph that Fut hey and Cope referred to as the largest landholder in Uwchl an with 940 acres.
In addition to the 500 acres he receive d from his father,
he owned 135 acres in tract 80, the 12 8 acre tract 85,
and another tract in the manor of Springto n to the north of tract 85, a 175 acre tract
to the south o f tract 85, and tracts 83 and 83.
In 1791 children of Josep h Phipps sold the 175 acre tract to John Righter.
Will - To my sons Joseph Jr. and Joshua of Botetourt Co.,
one merchant mill situated in the province of Pennsylvania i n Chester County Pennsylvania,
on a creek known as Little B randy Wine. 150 acres adjoining Robert Allison, William Rogers, Jane Mc Catherine, Samuel Bywers and John Smith,
all in the said pr ovince of Pennsylvania.
To my son Joshua, my two sons Aaron and Caleb;
my daughter Mary Lewis, the wife of Isaac Lewis of Youchlin townshi p of Pennsylvania,
my daughter Rachel Astin, the wife of Owen Astin, she being in Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
To my grandaughter Hubard, my daughter Hannah Astin, wife o f George Astin of Botetourt Co., Virginia,
my daughter Ester Crosby, my Mill and plantation lying in East Caln on th e Brandy Wine.
To Jonathan Phipps and Anne Phipps children of Joseph Phipp s Jr.,
and to Benjamin Phipps son of Ester Crosby,
135 acre s in Chester County, Pennsylvania adjoining Enoch Wells,
William Owen, David Owen, David Beatty, Robert Allison.
John Nowley of Ridley township, Pennsylvania and Elisha Pri ce of Borough of Chester as executors.
Signed 12/7/177- witnesses; Thomas Madison, William Bowen , and Rees Bowen.
On file at Fincastle, Virginia. probated 2/11/1772. In another book it appears as this:
Joseph Phipps probated 2/11/1772 to my sons Joseph Jr.
and Joshua Phipps my merchant Mill with appurtenances in Ches ter Co., Pennsylvania on the Brandywine Creek
and 3 other tracts of land in said township.
Also one negro man. All o f his personal bonds and credits to his two sons Aaron an d Caleb Phipps.
To his daughter Mary Lewis, wife of Isaac Lewis of Chester Co., Pennsylvania the sum of 100 pounds.
To his daughter Rachel Aston, wife of Owen Aston of Cumberla nd Co., Pennsylvania the sum of 100 pounds.
To Hannah Aston , wife of George Aston of Botetourt Co., Virginia, the sum of 150 pounds.
To Owen and Caleb 5 shilling sterling. To his daughter Ester Crosby,one negro girl named Dinah.
To Benjamin Phipps son of Ester Crosby, 135 acres of land i n Chester County, Pennsylvania.
Witnesses same as above. 1771, of Botetourt Co., Virginia according to will of Milfo rd Mills,
West Marlborough township, Chester Co., Pennsylvania "married out of meeting, not to a member, married b y a priest or salaried clergy December 07, 1771, will writt en occupation: miller - Milford Mills, Chester Co., PA
MARY HELSBY: Mary Phipps (Helsby, wife of Joseph II) Will Book V. 7, p . 36 8/11/1781
Wit.: Benjamin Davis, Isaac Williams Exec.: Samuel Bond, Griffith John, Sr.
to: Uwchlan Monthly Mtg. - 3 pounds 'hard money' 'to be app lied for the use of the poor.'
to: Joseph Helsby (son of Ralph Helsby) - 15 pounds
to: neice Mary Helsby - 15 pounds
to: cousin Mary Moss - 10 pounds
to: Elizabeth Longwel - 10 pounds
to: nephew John Helsby - 15 pounds
List includes:
Townsend Whelan, Cadwalader Jones, Joseph Ha rvout, Israel Whelan, Jonathan Phipps, James Packer, Isaa c Lewis, Wm. Harvout, Job Packer, Joseph Helsby (legacy), M ary Moss, Jon Helsby (legacy), Mary Helsby, Elizabet Longwe ll. Rent determined for Wm. Griffith from 1783-6: 90 pounds 1 0 shillings per year Firewood sold to Isaac Cadwalader
(A Brief History of the P hipps Family in Venango County - Romig)
Burial: Uwchlan Society of Friends Graveyard

Children from 1st marriage to Elisabeth

1-Rachel PHIPPS b: 1732 in Uwchlan Twp, Chester Co, Pennsylvania, USA
2-Joseph PHIPPS b: Aft 1727 in , Botetourt, Virginia, USA
3-Mary PHIPPS b: 1732
4-Caleb PHIPPS b: Abt 1734 in , Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
5-Hannah PHIPPS b: 1734 in , Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
6-Aaron PHIPPS b: 1735
7-Esther PHIPPS b: Abt 1738
8-Joshua PHIPPS b: 1746 in Uwchlan Twp, Chester Co, Pennsylvania, USA

Children from 2nd marriage to Mary Helsby

1-Margaret Phipps
married in 1754 in West Nantmill, Chester Co.,
WILLIAM ASTON was born Abt. 1732 in West Nantmill, Chester Co., Pa., and died Abt. 1787 in Botetourt Co., VA.